It is mentioned in Vishnu Puran that Six elements- glory, religion, fame, fortune knowledge and asceticism in are called 'bhag' and a person who attains all these six elements he is 'bhagwan' in the real sense.

"aishwarye, samgrasye, dharmasye, yasheshrye:
gyanvairagyeyoshaichava shashna bhag itirna II"

The word 'Bhagwan' has been formed by combining bhag + wan. The meaning of 'Bhag' is the main gift of the Nature meaning "one who nurtures, the sources of every body, one who ends and creates" and the meaning of 'wan' is "The owner of the Nature".

Bhagwan Valmiki has achieved the supreme state of yoga. Therefore he had attained the supreme glory. Such a blessed glory is not available to any worldly being. The Kings, to whom the public bows, they bow before Mahamuni Kamleshwar Bhagwan Valmiki Ji. As Bhagwan Valmiki Ji had attained the bhag in the shape of blessful glory that is why scholarly people call jagadguru Valmiki Ji Bhagwan.

The rules of the code, which can be adopted are called religion. Bhagwan Valmiki Ji have given in the Holy Ramayana such 'adoptable rules' for the common man in the shape of inspiring gospels and the religious persons after pondering over them have written The First Poet Valmiki Ji as Bhagwan because Bhagwan Valmiki Ji had attained the 'bhag' in the shape of religion.

Bhagwan Valmiki Ji is supreme in knowledge. His three lakh followers studied in his holy ashram. Therefore on seeing 'bhag' of knowledge that he possessed, the learned men have called Prabhu Valmiki Ji as ''Bhagwan.

The fame of Bhagwan Valmiki Ji has spread the world over His education and his Ramayana brought him such renown which has no parallel so far. Therefore the men of knowledge seeing this 'bhag' in the shame of fame the called him 'bhagwan'.

In the worldly parlance 'glory' is called 'wealth'. The worldly people have unstable glory called wealth. On the other hand the spiritualistic people have the stable wealth i.e. glory. That is why the First Poet, Valmiki Ji, who had attained 'glory' is called 'bhagwan'.

'Asceticism' mean to remain aloof. Bhagwan Valmiki Ji remained aloof from the worldly entanglements as a lily flower remains aloof from the mud from which grows. The people who understood 'asceticism' when discovered 'bhag' in the shape of asceticism they joyfully called out, "O Bhagwan Valmiki Ji, you are Bhagwan, we bow our heads to you."

As Bhagwan Valmiki Ji had attained all the six "bhags" in the shape of bliss, religion, glory, knowledge, fame and asceticism has was enlightened with his renown, therefore in the ancient Indian literature Bhagwan Valmiki Ji has been addressed as "Bhagwan" innumerous times.

  1. "Bhagwan Valmiki - Mahakavi" Bhavbhooti (Uttar Ramchritr) P.91
  2. "Nanu Bhagwan Valmiki" Ding nag (Kundmala) P.155
  3. "Adikaviye Bhagvate" - Halayudkosh P.214
  4. "Bhagwan Valmiki" - Padampurana etc.

The First Poet Valmiki in his creation " First Epic Ramayana" has depicted the traditions of contemporary social life on such a grand canvas that it romanticises the reader. This is the fact that thousand years old happening touches the hearts of unlimited number of people in the world.

Dr. Shanti Kumar Nanu Ram Vyas writes like this:-

"Valmiki Ramayana through the living descriptions of traditions, ideals, concerns, desires and feelings of the olden times has become a valuable treasure of Indian Culture and Civilization. It can be compared to a mountain from the top of which we can visualize clearly the social, economical, political and artistic activities of the ancient Indian Society on the whole. The Epic of the First Poet Valmiki depicts some unknown aspects of the contemporary Indian Society so vividly which is not available from any other source. Maharishi Valmiki is the great grandfather of our national ideals. The eternal seeds of culture, civilization, religion and truth sown by the First Poet are still blooming."

In an issue of 'Dinmaan' weekly it has mentioned :-

"If Independent India continues to give priority to the human religion as inspired by "Valmiki Ramayana" her future will continue to be bright".

Seeing this impact of the Valmiki Ramayana, this saying of Mr. AA Mcdonnel seems to be true :-

"No product of Sanskrit Literature has enjoyed a greater popularity down to the present day than the Ramayana"

M. Winternitz has written in his book in the praise of Valmiki Ramayana :-

"As perhaps no other poem in the entire World Literature has influenced the whole thinking and writing of the folk through all the Centuries"

hewrites further :

"As long as the mountains stand,
As long as the rivers are on the earth
So long will in this world,
The song of Ramayana continue to live"

Similarly Manmath Nath Dutt, M.A. has written :-

"No other peice of literature, except The Bible has such a universal impact. There is no doubt that the First Epic "Valmiki Ramayana" is valued in the field of literature like the world famous gem -'Koh-e-noor'."

With the research on the Valmiki Ramayana we come to know about the great qualities and achievements and attainments of Bhagwan Valmiki Ji that he was a personification of yoga, knowledge, poetry and the founder of the great traditions of truth and justice and religion. In reality he was the source of Indian Culture.

Bhagwan Valmiki news

While searching the sites I found no site build on Bhagwan Valmiki Ji. No attention has been paid towards the writer of The Ramayana. There are some sites which still shows to the world Valmiki, as robber and fisherman. It is my privilege to build this site. If you think there is some controversial matter, please let me know so that I may not use it. I need you support to gather more & more information to make to site most effective / informative & popular globally. Also send your opinion and let me know if you need some changes to be made in this website. My email is

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